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Wanted to do a short blog for who I consider to be, well a kick ass friend of mine. The lady has more talent in her fingernail than I do in my whole body. I’m speaking of no other than world recognized, international wedding photographer, Dawn Shields.
This type of photography can’t be taught. You either have it or you don’t. Kinda like my ego J This family women not only runs her own photography empire, manages a blog, and now to add to her achievements, a successful bridal magazine. It’s nice to know, in the business of weddings, there’s someone out there that’s going to shoot you straight. Your not going to feel like a Carney at the fair sold ya on a photography package. She’s not the one that’s going to cram in 300 weddings a year. Seems like the ones that do, quality seems to take a backseat to profits. Don’t get me wrong she’s a great business woman, but she does it via customer service.
You go to her. You’re going to get that personal touch that your wedding deserves. I could write for days about her on this blog, but her work speaks for itself. Check it out for yourself @
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